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Chord Gitar Sweet Violet Boys - Theres A Man That Comes To Our House

           G                          C
There's a man that comes to our house every single day
G                       D        G
Papa comes home and the man goes away
     G                     C
Oh, Papa does the work and Mama gets the pay
        G                     D         G
And the man comes around when Papa goes away

The man who comes to our house, Mama thinks is nice
He comes in the summer and he brings Mama ice
Just a teeny weeny bit that soon melts away
And he has to come back again later in the day

There's a man that comes to our house every single day
Papa comes home and the man goes away
Oh, Papa does the work and Mama gets the pay
And the man comes around when Papa goes away

The man who comes to our house comes to mow the lawn
He always seems to get here after Papa’s gone
After he leaves the house, Mama says to me
“You don’t have to tell your Pa everything you see”

There's a man that comes to our house every single day
Papa comes home and the man goes away
Oh, Papa does the work and Mama gets the pay
And the man comes around when Papa goes away

The man who comes to our house drives a Cadillac
He drives it round the corner and he parks it in the back
Mama rushes to the door; he's right there to greet her
With "Open up, honey, and let me check your meter"

There's a man that comes to our house every single day
Papa comes home and the man goes away
Oh, Papa does the work and Mama gets the pay
And the man comes around when Papa goes away

The man who comes to our house isn't such a dope
He climbs up on the porch and says, "I hope, I hope, I hope"
You can tell that he's a salesman by the way he slips inside
He never sells a single thing but walks out satisfied

There's a man that comes to our house every single day
Papa comes home and the man goes away
Oh, Papa does the work and Mama gets the pay
And the man comes around when Papa goes away

The man who comes to our house comes to sell a brush
He comes in a hurry but he goes out in a rush
And after he has gone away, Mama's in a fret
If she didn't get everything she thought she ought to get

There's a man that comes to our house every single day
Papa comes home and the man goes away
Oh, Papa does the work and Mama gets the pay
And the man comes around when Papa goes away

The man who comes to our house comes to take the trash
He’s tall, dark and handsome, with a little black moustache
It's all a bit strange, because it always seems to me
That he's much more familiar than a trashman ought to be

There's a man that comes to our house every single day
Papa comes home and the man goes away
Oh, Papa does the work and Mama gets the pay
And the man comes around when Papa goes away

The man who comes to our house comes to bring the milk
He walks right in the kitchen and he talks as smooth as silk
I always have to hold his horse out by the gate
Because the milkman stays so doggone long the horse don't want to wait

There's a man that comes to our house every single day
Papa comes home and the man goes away
Oh, Papa does the work and Mama gets the pay
And the man comes around when Papa goes away

The man who comes to our house comes to fix the phone
He brings his tools along with him, and he always comes alone
And just before he leaves the house, I guess I ought to mention
He goes upstairs to Mama's room and fixes her extension

There's a man that comes to our house every single day
Papa comes home and the man goes away
Oh, Papa does the work and Mama gets the pay
And the man comes around when Papa goes away

The man who comes to our house, he's quite a jitterbug
He cuts it on the carpet and he cuts it on the rug
He cuts it in the hallway and he cuts it on the floor
When Papa comes home he cuts it out the door

There's a man that comes to our house every single day
Papa comes home and the man goes away
Oh, Papa does the work and Mama gets the pay
And the man comes around when Papa goes away

Now, when I grow up, I don't wanna be
A plumber or a janitor, no sirree
I won't be a doctor with an office downtown
No, I'd rather be just a man that comes around

There's a man that comes to our house every single day
Papa comes home and the man goes away
Oh, Papa does the work and Mama gets the pay
And the man comes around when Papa goes away

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