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Chord Gitar New Creation Church - I Sing Hosanna


C Am F G

Verse 1

I chooseC to     look, toAm You my                 Lord
You rescGued     me, liftFed me           up
When I aAmm       weak theCn I am          strong
I cast mGy       cares onC You a          lone


I sing hFo       sanna, IAm sing ho                sanna
Your selFfless   love             re     G        versed Cmy               shame
I sing hFo       sanna, IAm sing ho                sanna
SalvatioFn's     gift             is     G        mine toC                 claim

Verse 2

With joyC I      hope, inAm You my                 King
RedemptiGon's    song is Fmine to                 sing
Your preAmcious   blood haCs made me               clean
Now righGteous   ness is Cmy life's               theme

Verse 3

I run toC        You, my Amhiding          place
There I Gcan     rest upoFn Your          grace
In quietAm        ness my Cstrength is             found
Your tenGder     mercy isC my             crown

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